I have a datatable in which the values in second column needs to be header in the transposed dt and the values from 3rd column onwards needs to be datarow in the transposed dt
Hi Sunny,
Please use these methods to transponse datatable in UiPath:
Let me know if it doesn’t work as expected.
You can follow the steps
- Delete the first column as you dont need usign delete data row
- Now use generate datatable activity and pass the string as
String.Join(",",dt.AsEnumerable.Select(function(x) x(0).ToString))
and select comma as row separator and check the header box - Delete the column which you want as headers also the second one
- Now use for loop with loop on all columns dt.Columns
- Now inside use add data row and in the arrayrow property pass
String.Join(",",dt.AsEnumerable.Select(function(x) x(currentitem.ColumnName).ToString))
and in datatable pass the generated table in step 2
Hi @SunnyJha ,
Try as below
Step 1: Read Range
- Properties:
- SheetName: “Sheet1” (or your sheet name)
- Range: “A1”
- DataTable:
Step 2: Invoke Code
- Properties:
: OutArgument (Type:System.Data.DataTable
Step 3: Write Range
- Properties:
- SheetName: “TransposedSheet” (or any desired sheet name)
- DataTable:
Use below code in invoke code :-
’ Inputs: originalDT (DataTable)
’ Outputs: transposedDT (DataTable)
Dim transposedDT As New DataTable
’ Add columns to transposedDT based on the second column of originalDT
For Each row As DataRow In originalDT.Rows
’ Add rows to transposedDT with data from the third column onwards of originalDT
For colIndex As Integer = 2 To originalDT.Columns.Count - 1
Dim newRow As DataRow = transposedDT.NewRow()
For rowIndex As Integer = 0 To originalDT.Rows.Count - 1
newRow(rowIndex) = originalDT.Rows(rowIndex)(colIndex).ToString()
’ Output transposedDT
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