How to Transfer a UiPath Project to a Different Computer

Hello All,

I would like to transfer my UiPath Project that I’ve built to a separate computer, but the folder will not zip. The total size of my folder is 121 MB.

I read on this forum post (Hello Everyone, I wanted to copy a project) that I should look into copying the “Nuget” file but I couldn’t see where that was located in my file directory.

Any help/suggestions in transferring the project would be appreciated!

just check in the project if there are any unneeded work data (eg. test downloads, data produced during development runs, which can be deleted. So clean up and try again

I deleted all the unneeded exceptions screenshots but the file is still 66 MB and won’t zip.

HI @related-robot

Publish the code in your PC using your studio as NUPKG file and send that code to other PC, once you receive that file in another PC then change the extension of that file to .zip and later extract the file and open that in studio and you can continue the further steps as per your requirement.

→ Click on publish.
->In Package properties section provide the file naem and the version numbers.
->In Publish options section change the the Publish option from Orchestrator Tenant Process Feed to Custom. So, by changing this option this will allow you to publish the code locally.
->Once you provide the Custom URL (Local path where file must be downloaded) click on the publish button and the nupkg file will be downloaded in the path that you have provided.
->Send that file to other PC.


->Once you receive the file on other PC then please rename that by changing the extension from .nupkg to .zip and try to extract the code after converting it to .zip
->After the extraction you will be able to see all the .Xaml files and then please provide with the further steps as per your requirement.


what else is in the project that is result to 66MB. Is it needed?

If your project folder is 121MB something is wrong. My guess is you’re storing process files in the project, or have a lot of screenshots you haven’t cleared out.

Process files (ie Excel files, config files, screenshots, etc) should be stored outside the project folder so they are not published with the project.

Thank you for helping!

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You’re welcome @related-robot

Happy Automation!!

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