How to take input from a website populating data on run time, in re framework flow


I have one query, please help me out.

I want to develop a flow in re framework where input data will be from a website that populates the data on run time. So how I can take the input data from there.

As soon as new data comes, my bot has to trigger by taking the input value from that data

did we try with GET TEXT ACTIVITY activity or Screen scrapping method

Thanks for replying

Actually As soon as new data comes, my bot has to trigger by taking the input value from that data. so how I make things like I only get the new data as l
This is the queue of an insurance company, that has a queue where patient records keep updating, and I have to create the flow like as soon as new entry populates my bot will trigger and take input from there.
And bot only take new data entry not the older processed ones.

Just to be sure, are those data fake? Because it’s feel like they should not be show here otherwise. :slight_smile:

We have these trigger activities.
