How to Suppress Individual Findings in UiPath Analyzer

Hi UiPath Community,

I am looking for a way to suppress or hide specific findings in the UiPath Analyzer. The goal is to manage the output so that certain findings do not appear in the results, without disabling entire rules or categories.

For example, I have a finding like this:

  • ST-NMG-004 (Display Name Duplication)

I want to suppress this exact finding while keeping the rule active for the rest of the project.

My Questions:

  1. Is there a way to suppress or hide individual findings in the UiPath Analyzer results?
  2. Can specific findings be marked differently (e.g., as “Suppressed” or “Justified”) without affecting the rule’s application elsewhere?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Hi @m.a.n.u.e.l

in workflow analyser you can search for the finding "ST-NMG-004 and supress it!

Hope this helps

Thank you for your suggestion! Suppressing the entire rule would indeed prevent all findings for “ST-NMG-004” from appearing, but my use case is a bit more nuanced.

I have multiple “ST-NMG-004” findings in my project, and I only want to suppress certain specific ones that I know are intentional or not problematic. By “specific,” I mean suppressing findings based on individual activities in the workflow, rather than disabling the entire rule across the project.

Sorry for not clarifying in the initial post an thank you for your help!

Out Of the Box the Rule Config allows only to set the Threshold.

If a more controlled configuration is needed (e.g. for specific Activities) then we would recommend to write your own custom WFA Rule