How to subtract two rows using uipath

Hi Guys,

I need payroll calculation in excel format “=50000-50000/(30)*(2)”

*30–month and 2–loss of pay

i am using "(Integer.Parse(row.Item(6).ToString - Integer.Parse(row.Item(6).ToString)/cal(*Integer.Parse(row.Item(10).ToString))

*cal – variable for month value(30)

but result is ‘0’ because first 2 value subtraction output is 0

can anyone can help this

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Kindly try with this expression
Use the first assign activity
Int_input1 = Convert.ToInt32(row(6).ToString)
Where Int_input1 is a variable of type int32 defined in the variable panel

And next a assign activity like this
Int_input2 = Convert.ToInt32(row(6).ToString)/cal*(Convert.ToInt32(row(10).ToString))

Now final assign activity like this
int_output = Int_input1- int_input2

Kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @Raja.G

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Check with this line of code,

Convert.ToString( Integer.Parse(row.Item(6).ToString)-(Integer.Parse(row.Item(6).ToString)/(cal))*(Integer.Parse(row.Item(10).ToString)))
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Thanks, working fine

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Cheers @Raja.G


I have a another question,

In excel row(A1) value is emp id–“abc123” to find row(E) – have multiple emp id , i need to find A1 value and than get same row(F)–salary

I attached excel screen shot for yours ref,

kindly help me

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we can use LOOKUP DATATABLE activity
–use EXCEL APPLICATION SCOPE and pass the file path as input and inside the scope use READ RANGE activity and get the output with a variable of type datatable named dt
–now use a FOR EACH ROW activity and pass the variable dt as input
–inside the loop use assign activity like this
str_input = row(1).ToString
–then followed by that use LOOKUP DATATABLE ACTIVITY where in the property
panel mention these
input - str_input.ToString
datatable - dt
Lookup column name - “Emp No1”
Out Result - str_output
Target Column Name - “CTC P.M”

where Out Result will be our output value we want

Cheers @Raja.G

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Thank you so much ,its working

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do we have any further queries to be discussed buddy

Cheers @Raja.G

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