How to split and filter the date in excel

Hi all,

In New column 3 need to split the date, time has to be removed.
Example: 11-10-2023 4:00 PM

Output = 11-10-2023

and need to filter the date. New column 3 date has to be greater than or equal to 5 of current date.
09-10-2023 current date added with 5 then the output is


End date filter.xaml (10.4 KB)
Extracted data.xlsx (12.6 KB)

Tried this method but its not working. Please guide me on this…

for this you can try this

CDate("11-10-2023 4:00 PM").ToString("MM-dd-yyyy")


Check out this tutorial

You can try with Format cell activity to chnage the format of the date and time



Can you try with this expression

Dt_output= Dt_input.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r) DateTime.Parse(r("Columname").ToString)>=New DateTime(Now.Year,Now.month,5)).CopyToDataTable

CDate(CurrentRow("New column 3").ToString).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")
Used above code, need to remove the time from column “New column 3”.

Body: Conversion from string “13-10-2023 10:00 AM” to type ‘Date’ is not valid.
Getting this error.


Try this

DateTime.ParseExact(CurrentRow("New column 3").ToString, "dd-MM-yyyy h:mm tt", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")

try this one it will work

DateTime.ParseExact(CurrentRow("New column 3").ToString, "dd-MM-yyyy h:mm tt", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")

Have you tried with Format cell activity?

it will format all the rows in the excel file

@Gokul001 ,
we are not using modern activities.

You can try this for removing the timestamp

DateTime.ParseExact(CurrentRow("New column 3").ToString, "dd-MM-yyyy h:mm tt", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")

@Praveen_Mudhiraj ,

you can see the output in the message box


dt_excel.AsEnumerable.Select(function(x) dt_excel.Clone.LoadDataRow({x(0).ToString,DateTime.ParseExact((x(1).ToString.Split(" "c).First),“dd-MM-yyyy”,System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).AddDays(5).ToString(“dd-MM-yyyy”)},False)).copytodatatable

by using above syntax,time in the date will be removed and it adds 5 days and re copied to datatable


Check out this XAML file

09.10.2023_Forum_1.xaml (7.0 KB)


1 Like

You can try this xaml for time stamp removal

Xaml : - filter (3.3 KB)

output : -

@Gokul001 , Able to remove the timestamp.
How to do filter for “New column 3”.
If the current date is 09-10-2023 now need to add 5 days to this date then the output will be 14-10-2023.
Current date + 5 days need to do.
current date + 5 days 09-10-2023 + 5 days => 14-10-2023
Now till the 13-10-2023 are not required need to remove…
For tomorrow it will be 10-10-2023 + 5days => 15-10-2023 till 14-10-2023 need to remove.
How to do this.

But it’s not filtering. What changes needs to be done…

Hi ,

So you want to remove Today+5 days, it means you need data after 5 days from today right?

Sandhiya P