How to split “20/10/24 Domestic” to generate only the date
How to split “20/10/24 Domestic” to generate only the date
Is this output of a .tostring on a variable with type datetime or date? If so, use .ToShortDateString()
str_Input = "20/10/24 Domestic"
str_Output = str_Input.Split(" ").First
Hope it helps!!
Hey @shilpashree.mohanty
try to use
datePart = fullString.Split(" "c)(0)
Try this,
Input string variable = "20/10/24 Domestic"
String output variable = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match("your input variable","\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}").ToString.Trim
output is 20/10/24
Gowtham K
if you want just to generate the date as a string you can use split method your expression should be
Str_date = yourOriginalString.split(" "c)(0).tostring
you split by space
add .tostring to convert it
maybe you will try
CStr(CurrentRow(0).Split(" "c)(0))
tried but still same
assign variable to the currentrow(0).tostring
then do new assign that splits it
like below
Str_varaibelName = currentRow(0).tostring
Str_varaibelName=Str_varaibelName.split(" "C)(0).tostring
this format is incorrect
Str_varaibelName = Str_varaibelName.Split(" "c)(0).ToString
I tested that , can you copy it and try, the c should be small letter
it should be inside for each row in datatable
the output is coming as system.string
please share screenshots
Fallow the steps below. If I helped you, market it as solved.
To separate the data “20/10/24” from the text “20/10/24 Domestic” in UiPath, you can use the Assign activity to perform the string splitting operation. Here is a simple way to do this:
Step 1
Use an Assign activity to create a variable that contains the original string: originalString = “20/10/24 Domestic”
Step 2
Then, use another Assign activity to extract the data, splitting the string based on the space: dateOnly = originalString.Split(" "c)(0)
In this case, the .Split(" "c) function splits the string on the white space, and (0) selects the first part of the string, which is the date .
This will output: dateOnly = “20/10/24”