How to speed up data scraping

Hi there,

I am wondering whether there is a possibility to speed up data scraping from a website. In my case, I wish to extract a data table from IE, with only about 25 rows and less than 10 columns. However, it still takes some 20 seconds, or so. Unlike for screen scraping, there are not so many options to play around with.

Does anybody have an idea if this is a generic issue?

Thanks a lot for your help!!


HI @AlexM82,
Can you try the same thing in chrome. Because I have the same scenario. But I tried it in Chrome.It was so fast.


Dear Balamurugan,

thanks a lot for the suggestion, but on this computer I am not allowed to use Chrome… and Firefox appears to be even slower than IE. :slight_smile:

But anyway, thanks for the suggestion!


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Hi @AlexM82,

Can you try the Waitforready instead of “complete” to “None”. Having possibility to get fast.


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Dear [quote=“balupad14, post:4, topic:31633”]

thanks a lot, but this still did not do the job, neither in IE nor in Firefox.

I am running out of options.

Best regards, and thanks anyway,
