Book1.xlsx (8.7 KB)
Book 1 is input file…
And I want like Book 2
Book2.xlsx (8.5 KB)
Like No. Employee In same file with multiple name…
Any other solution…please
@Shubham_Akole Check this : (13.8 KB)
@Shubham_Akole We might need to change a bit of arrangement in the ordering of Columns , Since your Input File is Different, Can you provide the new Excel file ?
@Shubham_Akole Hey there’s no Employee ID in your Input File
In output Employee Id coloumn is blank and Depends on Group by date and name ADD total duration…
Blank this Column
@Shubham_Akole What Output do you want for this File ? Can you show an Example Output?
JoinedDT.xlsx (8.9 KB)
@Shubham_Akole Can you also give me the Updated xaml File that you have used?
i am use your file…
this file
@Shubham_Akole Didn’t you alter the xaml file, Because you wouldn’t have got the Output for the new file, if you didn’t alter it
I am Change file And also change column name in expression
@Shubham_Akole Check this : (30.0 KB)
IN this how add 1 Extra Column before name …
@Shubham_Akole Do you want it before Name Column itself?
i want just like
Employee ID,name ,date ,Actual houres
@Shubham_Akole So after Calculating the JoinedDT, You want to add an Empty Column of “Employee ID” at the beginning of the Table?