But if those data’s “Type of sample” other than 3N, 4N, KR, Kw(Pd), Kw(Ni), Ky, then all data will go to sheet “MU-bias (OUT Range)”, like this sample:
Please try the below LINQ query to get the matched values
dtMainDT.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(row) row(10).ToString.Equals(“3N”) or row(10).ToString.Equals(“4N”) or row(10).ToString.Equals(“KR”) or row(10).ToString.Equals(“Kw(Pd)”) or row(10).ToString.Equals(“Kw(Ni)”) or row(10).ToString.Equals(“Ky”)).CopyToDataTable
The expression you have used is wrong in the assign activity. I have executed the code with changes, you can use this sample file MU-bias_new.xaml (9.1 KB)
But if those data’s “Type of sample” other than 3N, 4N, KR, Kw(Pd), Kw(Ni), Ky, then all data will go to sheet “MU-bias (OUT Range)”, like this sample: