How to solve "Bad IL format. The format of the file 'C:\Users\username\.nuget\packages\uipath.cefsharpbundle.netcore\1.9.0\lib/net6.0-windows7.0/swiftshader/libEGL.dll' is invalid."

This error and much more related to .dll files apear when compiling a project that constains the IntelligentOCR package. What do i need to do to solve it?

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Hi - error might have one of the below reason

  • The DLL file may be corrupted or incomplete, leading to the “Bad IL format” error when it’s being loaded or executed.
  • The DLL file might have been compiled for a different version of the .NET runtime than what is currently being used. For example, if you’re trying to load a DLL compiled for .NET Framework 4.7 into an environment that only supports .NET Framework 3.5, you may encounter this error.
  • The architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) of the DLL file might not match the architecture of the application or environment trying to load it.
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