How to skip particular iteration if element is exist

Inside the for each loop, Ran URL from Amazon product details. But some Products has varients. I just want to skip that particular page and continue with next page. How could i do. Please suggest?

Welcome to UiPath community
Inside the loop we can use IF condition like this
NOT Item.ToString.Contains(“your keyword”)
If it’s true it will go to THEN part where we can have all the activities to be proceeded in a for each loop

Key word is like if you have any string that takes apart the one which has any varient in it

Or may I know how this will be done manually
So that we can repeat the same in UiPath

cheers @r.rajesh398

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Hi @r.rajesh398,
Welcome to the UIpath.
Use the continue activity to skip that itertion.

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I used If condition inside the for each row. I set condition element=True, Then Close tab. But close tab not allow to continue that was the issue

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May I know Why we are close tab here
Can I have a screenshot of sequence used in the workflow if possible
Cheers @r.rajesh398

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Scrap.xaml (3.6 KB)

the xaml is empty buddy

Cheers @r.rajesh398

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Sorry Sir. You r good to go now.
Scrap.xaml (26.3 KB)

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