How to skip error "Assign: StartIndex cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: startIndex"

I would like to set up a process to skip error “Assign: StartIndex cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: startIndex”

For Example

  1. Read PDF With OCR (multiple files)
  2. For each
    • Substring text for each column *** Sometimes I get an error about “startIndex” in this activity.*
    • Assign string to data table
    • Append range
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Kindly Place that assign alone inside a try catch activity

That is the structure will be like this

  1. Read PDF With OCR (multiple files)
  2. For each
  • TRY
  • Substring text for each column *** Sometimes I get an error about “startIndex” in this activity.*
  • CATCH block with one log message activity
  • Assign string to data table
  • Append range

Cheers @tanyaporn.d


Is your issue resolved

I am trying your advice. :grinning:

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