How to share OneDrive file URL in Email

I am able to upload my file from local folder to OneDrive folder using below activities.
How can I share this file URL in email so someone can view/download it?

Do I need to connect to SharePoint to get file URL for sharing? Is it possible without connecting to Sharepoint?

I checked few articles but still not clear on how to do this.


I am not able to capture right click on file and ‘Share’ option to share. Popup doesn’t stay open even after pressing ESC.

Any other option? or how can I perform share?

Any help will be appreciated.

“after you select the element for the right click. Add one more click activity then when it says indicate element . Press F2 it will give some delay . in that delay you right click in realtime so that the box appears .Then after the delay dissapears you can click the element inside the box.”

This article helped me solve my issue. Thanks!

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