How To Setup Mobile Device Automation With Virtual Android Device?

Setting up Mobile Device Manager.

To use the Test Manager capabilities make sure that the Orchestrator version should be 2020.10 or above and test automation is enabled for the Orchestrator.

If the Studio version is between 20.4 and 21.4 make sure that there is a Studio pro license. If the Studio version is 21.10 or above the Studio license it is fine, since the Studio and Studio pro profiles have been merged to Studio profile.

Setting up the Mobile Device Manager:

  1. Install Node.Js
  2. Install appium server using the command npm install -g appium
  3. Install Java development kit.
  4. Install android studio if we need to use the virtual device then install the Android Studio.
  5. Add the ANDROID_HOME variable with the value C:\users\{user}\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk and JAVA_HOME variable with the value C:\Program Files\Java\jdkversionNumber under the System variable in environment variables.
  6. Add %ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools under the path variable under the system variables in environment variables.
  7. Now open Android Studio and create a virtual Android device based on the requirement.
  8. Once device is configured start the device then also from the command prompt start the Appium server using the command appium -p 4723 --default-capabilities "{\"systemPort\": 8201}" --relaxed-security --allow-insecure chromedriver_autodownload
  9. Once the server is started open UiPath Studio ---> Create a new project ----> install UiPath.MobileAutomation.Activities.
  10. After installing the Mobile Automation Activities package a New Icon MDM Manager will be appearing in the Studio Ribbon.
  11. Open MDM Manager and configure the Mobile device with the Appium URL "http://localhost:4723/wd/hub" and other configurations then save.
  12. Make sure that the Appium server is running in the background to use the MDM.
  13. Now automate the mobile application as per the requirement.

Refer to the Mobile Device Automation - Introduction guide.