How to set unattended bot process to stop at 8pm (20:00) and to start at 7am (7:00)?

How to set unattended bot process to stop at 8pm (20:00) and to start at 7am (7:00)?

Thank you

Please CRON expression to schedule the job.

Please find the CRON expression with different configs and find the right CRON expression.

I would like my process to run every 30 min (which is simple ) but I would like that same process to run till 8:00 Pm and stop running till 7:00 am and then start running again every 30 min … Is this possible


As @KarthikByggari said, Use cron expression.

Here is the cron expression - “0 0/30 7-20 ? * * *” (No quotes needed)

When making the schedule, under trigger, click advanced, and put the cron expression in the text area next to it.