How to set the value input to an "ask when run" dialogue box to numeric instead of string?

Hello, I was trying to use the Vlookup function to create a new table with information from a certain row. What I planned was to create a dialogue box and input a specific reference number (5-digit integer), then search for the said reference number in the excel and copy the information in the corresponding row to a new sheet.

However, when I typed a reference number into the dialogue box after hitting run, it seemed like the application cannot identify what I typed as numeric, and they failed to locate the correct cell and output the information next to the correct cell to the designated place. Is there any way that I can define the property of the value which I enter into the dialogue box to numeric? Thanks!

Hello Davina,

I’ve been struggling with something similar and came up with solution using support of project notebook.
maybe it could help you too.
Please try to set “Value to lookup” to the notebook Number Int value:

Set the “dialog box” to output to the notebook Number input: