How to set the deployment in Azure OpenAI Connector

Please tell me how to set the deploymentname to Generate Chat Completion activity.

I’ve got error Azure OpenAI Connector.

—Error message—
ProviderMessage: error - {code=DeploymentNotFound, message=The API deployment for this resource does not exist. If you created the deployment within the last 5 minutes, please wait a moment and try again.}, text -

Hi @_Chuki

Check on this document

I hope it helps!!

Thank you your reply.

I read the specified document, but it didn’t say how to set the deployment name inside the Azure OpenAI resource required for connection.

There is no item to set in the activity properties either.
Can anyone connect with this activity or point me to the source code of the activity

Hi @_Chuki

In UiPath’s Azure OpenAI Connector, you can set the deployment name for the “Generate Chat Completion” activity by specifying it in the “Deployment Name” property of the activity. The deployment name refers to the deployment of the OpenAI GPT-3 model that you want to use for generating chat completions. If you don’t set this property correctly, you may encounter the “DeploymentNotFound” error you mentioned.

  1. Drag and drop the “Generate Chat Completion” activity into your UiPath project’s workflow.
  2. In the Properties panel on the right-hand side, locate the “Deployment Name” field.
  3. Set the value of the “Deployment Name” property to the name of the deployment you want to use. Make sure the name is correct and corresponds to a valid deployment of the OpenAI GPT-3 model in your Azure environment.

Hope it helps!!

Which Text box is “Deployment Name” field.?

This Activity Version is 6.1.0



Deployment Name refers to the Model which you are using in Generating Chat Completions.


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Model can select gpt-4 or gpt-35-turbo


Whichever you want to select you can select.



So the property name was wrong in the deployment and the model. And the model name is a list box where you can select GPT-4 and GPT-35-TURBO, but you forcefully overwrite it with the deploy name.
Please use deployment name instead of model name to avoid binary choice of model name as it is confusing.

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