How to send the report for System and business exceptions transactions?


If any system or business exception occurs , I need to send a report to business in the below format, can someone help on this??

Please help me on this??

I need to send this report in if there is no queue items present in the queue

Hi @naveen.s

Basicaly You can create a datatable with the headers mentioned

Within the try catch block for the process, if there is an exception keep a add data row with the data row {ComplaintSource, CustomerName, RefID, exception.GetType.Tostring, exception.message}

And in the end state you can send the Mail message to the business with the datatable in Bodyhtml content this way

"<table border=2><tr><td>"+String.Join("</td><td>",YourDT.Columns.Cast(Of DataColumn).Select(Function (x) x.ColumnName).ToArray)+"</td></tr>"+
"<tr>"+String.Join("</tr><tr>",(From x In YourDT.AsEnumerable
Let cells="<td>"+String.Join("</td><td>",x.ItemArray)+"</td>"
Select cells).ToArray)+"</tr>"

Hope tis helps!

@Sanjay_Bhat ,

In which xmal I need create the datatable and to use the add data row activity??

Can you please explain??
For example if there are 10 transactions:
1 will fail with SE and 2 will fail BRE and remaining are successful


REFramework provides ioTransactionData datatable. You can initialise this in init state with your desired columns and in Process state of Main.xaml you can add a data row to this datatable as per status like success failed etc.

In End State prepare the file with data from ioTransactionData and send it.

If you are using RE framework (else apply the similar logic)
Build the datatable in first run
Keep the add datarow in system exception and buisness exception workfows
And in the end process send the mail with the datatable