How to select the date from calendar 180 days ago?

yes i want to directly select from the calendar.

whether the calender is in a website ? if yes can you share the link?

nope its an application not the website.

Whether this one is input file or you just created to show us about the query?

just created to show you about the query.

Have you tried with this format ?


Yes i have tried but it didnt select the exact one.

If you try that manually how you are able to select the date

after typing the date if you press enter it is selecting correct date ?

I need to select the date two time and both are the same format 180 days ago.


Manually we calculate the date and select the exact one which we need. The calendar has the option to select it where we need


I have asked about typing the date in the field and press enter not to select each date month and year by clicking

Try typing in the field and press enter


Yes we can type there if we know the exact date.

Yes you need the date 180 days back from the current date and here it is



So you can directly type here and press enter


I have tried this one but didnt get the exact date dont know why.


Calendar select these dates.


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