How to select multiple checkboxes in the drop down. This drop down has number of years, bot should select previous years along with the current one not the future ones. Pls help

how to select multiple checkboxes in the drop down. This drop down has number of years bot should select previous years along with the current one not the future ones. Pls help

Did you try with this

Cheers @Sudha_Mahankali


Use the UiExplorer or a suitable selector to identify the dropdown element. Ensure that you can accurately identify the dropdown so you can interact with it.

Use a ‘Click’ activity to open the dropdown list, if it’s a clickable element.
Use a ‘Find Element’ or ‘Find Children’ activity to capture all the year options present in the dropdown.

Use a ‘For Each’ activity to loop through the list of year options.
Inside the loop, you can add logic to check whether the year is in the past or is the current year. To do this, you might need to use DateTime functions.

After selecting all the desired years, use a ‘Click’ activity to close the dropdown.


“This control doesn’t not support select item”. This is the error while usig select multiple items activity

FYI, first option is “Select All” second one is Blank, year options are started from third option in the dropdown.

tried to use find children activity, for each, gettext activities and printed the dropdown values to check if all the year options are coming. But its printing only first and second, its not giving from third

I would like to know on how u r doing it manually
If you are able to just click on it and enable the checkbox then u can do the same with sequence of click activities inside a loop


Yes im doing like clicking on the drop down, selecting items using find children then looping the output of children activity (UiElement), inside foreach using gettext (each uielement as input to the gettext) and printing the output of gettext to see all the items are present in the drop down. Hope this way is right. For your reference attaching drop-down screenshot below.

drop down issue