Hi @UipathNewbie,
- Use Find Children Activity to the all the element.
- Use For Loop to loop through the all the elements.
- inside the loop using click activity click the elements.
- it will navigate to detail information and using screen scarping/Extract Structured data extract all the information’s and click button.
- Loop will continue.
For Example Find Children
Filter-> "<webctrl tag='DIV' class='cldt-summary-full-item' parentclass='cl-list-element cl-list-element-gap' parentid='classifiedsContent' />"
Selector->"<html title='Gebrauchtwagen Angebote bei AutoScout24' /><webctrl id='list' tag='BODY' />"
Output-> iEnumerable this one need to loop through it
Refer below xaml.
ExtractData.xaml (13.6 KB)