How to select items from the second column associated with column1?


Im extracting this data using Extract Table, and im searching for a value, for ex - Audit-External or it can be any value from that column.

Using for each row, IF condition, if the value is available. once it is available.
bot has to select few items from second column such as assignee, auditee associated with the column 1 that is "Audit external "- for ex.

selector of select item activity: how to make it dynamic

strict selector-


looks like tablerow can be used …for first row it is 1 for second 2 and so on


It didnt work like that, i tried


Can you show the selector for you first row as well


the selector is of first row second column only.


then please show the other rows as well to see what difference is there


tablerow increments, starts from 2


then thats the logic…use the same


In Else state, counter+1


So what is the issue now?

Ideally for this scenario you can use get attribute first with aelector as <webctrl tag='TD' innertext='{{variablecontainingRequiredName}}' /> and get the table row attribute

Now use the output variable in the select item selector


it clicks on the first row itself as it shows on screenshot of click activity. even after changing the tablerow


Please try above method
