How to select dinamic sheet

inside a specific folder, I can have one or more .csv files
For each file, a have to convert csv. to excel.

I use the “BalaReva CSV Activities” package to convert csv to xlsx,
but, my problem now is finding the sheet for each file.

I have to convert the to all the files in the folder.
The number of files in the folder is variable.
The name of each individual file is variable.
The name of the sheet is variable.
Each file I need to convert, contains only one sheet.
Can I use this to locate it? ex “first sheet” ?

If I have to indicate the name, the only fixed part is that
certainly, it contains the word: “Conversation-messages”, but the next part is variable.

Can help me?

You want to convert only those files which are having Only one sheet?

“No”… that is…
I have to convert all the csv files present in the folder.


However, all files only have 1 sheet.

So where did you get problem?

I don’t have much experience…

The name of the files, and of the sheet is variable.
A new name is produced every day and for each file.

The only constant element is that the name of the sheet always contains the words:

I don’t know how to set SheetName value in Balareva… o in other method…


Do you have sheet name and file name?

Hi @AaronMark,

Just dynamically read CSV file using Read CSV file activity
Pass the generated Datatable into Write range workbook activity and mention ur sheet name
that’s it

Now you know what is the Sheet name because you provide it. and even you can dynamic it based on your csv file

Assumption :- the Delimiter same for the all CSV file
Happy Automation

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Every day, I enter in a site.
I imposed a query.
I download a zip file.
The zip file contains a variable number of .csv.

Every day i download and rename the zip file with the date of the day:

I extract the files inside the folder: “3.06.2020”

So I get a folder with some .csv that I have to format as .xlsx.

the files are called:
“Conversation-messages-Wed May 27 2020-Wed Jun 03 2020-1of7”
“Conversation-messages-Wed May 27 2020-Wed Jun 03 2020-2of7”
and so on up to 7of7.

There aren’t always 7. Sometimes more, sometimes less.
Theoretically, one for each day.

Each file contains one only sheet, which contains the words “Conversation-messages”, in the name,
and others words, which are not standardizable.

So I can say that I know the name of the folder.
And the name of the files.