How to select date from the calender?

Hi All,

I need to select the date dynamically from the calender from a website confirm ticket,
here I need to select day+7 date, for example today is 23/09/2023 so need to select the date 30/09/2023, for tomorrow it needs select 01/10/2023.

Could someone please help me on this??


Hi @lucky7

you can try video

If the calendar always shows todays date (month) when you load the page. Then we can simplify things.

DateFuture = DateToday.AddDays(7)

First click on the calendar.
If DateToday.Month <> DateFuture.Month Then we know it is the next month, so we click on the next month.

And then we select the date on the calendar. The selector looks like this:

<webctrl aaname='{{Day}}' tag='BUTTON' class='MuiButtonBase-root MuiIconButton-root MuiPickersDay-day' />