How to select an Excel column for Format Cells Activity Range

Hi Experts,

I have a question regarding Excel Format Cells activity properties.
I want to change cell format for a table column in Excel file. For example:

Name | Date | Total

Dave | 01.08.2023 | 60
Suzan | 17.09.2023 | 100
Emma | 05.10.2023 | 40

The part that I want to select in Format Cells range is column “Total”.
How should I select that particular range in the Format Cells activity’s range?

Please advice.

Thank you.

Hi @D_Okthree

In format cell activity, give range as "C:C"

use write cell workbook
that functionality we ask for you to specify the location of the workbook its name and the range you want to use it in

Hi @D_Okthree

Try this



Hi @D_Okthree

Check out this tutorial for more details


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