How to Search data in excel if data is found how to copy rows and column data from excel

Hi team,
I have excel with different detail from that details i have search data if data found data in mutlimule row i have copy that data and past into other excel
how can i do that


Hi @Sandhya_Gajare ,

It looks like we need to perform Filter Operation, Have you tried using the Filter Datatable Activity ?

If it does not satisfy the requirement, could you explain us why it doesn’t and maybe explain a bit more as to what needs to be done maybe using Screenshots.

Hi @Sandhya_Gajare

I think you are asking to get the data from datatable filtered you can use filter datatable activity or any ways that the below link refered


Hello @Sandhya_Gajare
Trty this

  1. Read the Excel file and saved it in Dt_Input as a variable.
  2. Use the Filter option and pass the Input as DT_Input and mention the column name or index to filter and use contains statement option and pass the value. Output variable assign as DT_Output
  3. Use if condition DT_Output.rows.count>0, then write/append data into excel.