How to search by month in the expression?

Get Attribute for the Date and get the result
the result for the get attribute is “index”
then, put the result into the click selector

This is the UI for Download PDF

Please open in UI explorer

Don’t use Anchor Base, In your case anchor base, not the right choose
As your right hand sight, have another column

Use indicate element from the top, it should bring more detail

I dont see the table row…

Click UI element…

Can you use ui explorer to indicate the download pdf?

but you are not validate in ui explorer


Can you use ui explorer show the selector like that

do u mean i need to tick the table row here ?

yup, tick it and change the tableRow to {{result for get attribute}} tableColumn also need to tick

Nope…it still dont work…

… “result for the get attribute” is your output for the get attribute
I just give a example as I don’t know your value name

So i set the variable as output… :rofl: doesnt work still

no need the id for r-359


Thanks alot! Finally manage to click download! :grinning:

But i got another problem, sometimes when there is nothing to click, the bot will throw out the error. How to solve this? I need the bot to skip when there is nth to click…
Example this. I will see this message if there is no bill to download…

You can use Element Exists, it will output the boolean
then, put the output into if condition
If check this message just skip, if not click the download pdf