How to same filepath in both RE and DU

I am using two bots. In the first bot, I am pushing a file to the queue with the path ‘Data\file’ (RE Framework). In the second bot (DU), I need to retrieve a transaction from the queue. The path information in the queue is also ‘Data\file,’ while both RE and DU have file locations under ‘Data…’. Will it retrieve the correct file?


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Data folders for each project is different…they are not same…like project 1 data folder is not same as project2 data folders they are individual to eqch other and can be used separately

Its like c:\project1\data and c:\project2\data


thank you anil
is there any option by specifying the full location path in second bot can able to find the files in bot 1 data\file\

Hi @Ganesh_Kumar_M1 ,
The data folder is separate for each robot folder, so even though it has the same name, its parent folder is different
So both robots can get the correct path

If you want robot2 to get files from robot1 you need to add the path in front

eg: you have 2 robots and put them in drive D, or they may be in different drives
robot1 has data folder “D\Robot\robot1\data\file”
robot2 has data folder “D\Robot\robot2\data\file”

In order for robot2 to be able to get files from robot1, you need to get the full “D\Robot\robot1\data\file”


If you want the ciles to be accessed by both projects…then try using any other common location like c:\BotFiles instead of the project folder…because the project folders varies when executing from studio and from orchestrator …so it is better to use common locations if files are to be used by multiile bots…

Or if both bots are running from different machines then we need to use shared folders

Hope this helps


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