there is one scenario in Uipath Automation like X person running data from 1 to 10 data and Y person also running the the same data from 1 to 10 numbers , My requirement is if the data say 6 no is already processed by the X person , the same data 6 No should not be processed by the Y person , it should throw him error that as data not found …and it should skip that number. how to do.
Hi @T_Y_Raju
May u can tell these query
Explain the process
If both are using same time or different time?
Also I am thinking that u can try this way too
Like after the person X had looped through 3 records then either u can remove the record from existing file or move that record to the another file. In that way u can manage the usage by 2 or more person
Hope the idea helps you
Nived N
Happy Automation
one person will run manually…i have created the bot for the same.if any person runs the records manually, the bot should not run those numbers it should throw error
I think it is better u can put the records in queue. One processed by the persons the queue status will changes and thus the another persons who is running the process could not access those again.
Hope you got the idea @T_Y_Raju
Nived N
Happy Automation
records cannot be removed…it should throw error like its already processed
Hi @T_Y_Raju
Then u can create a status column in excel
If the record is processed, then the status should be put as Completed.
So when the bot runs again by another person it will check whether the status is completed or not if it is completed then it should not process that.
Hope you got the logic
Nived N
Happy Automation
Thank you for suggestion let me work on this