How to run the UiPath Microsoft Office Repair Tool, even if UiPath Studio is not installed?
Issue Description:
How to run the UiPath Microsoft Office Repair Tool, even if UiPath Studio is not installed?
Note: Before running the tool, it is strongly advised to make a backup copy of the computer's registry.
- To do so, open Registry Editor -> Right click on Computer -> Click Export. Name the file and save the export to the desired location for backup.
- If Studio is installed:
The tool can be launched directly from Studio backstage tools.
- Open Studio -> Home -> Tools -> Click Repair Tool for Microsoft Office
- If UiPath Studio Is Not Installed:
To Run the UiPath Microsoft Office Repair tool open the command prompt as admin and type the following command -
- For Studio / Robot Installations v2020.10
"C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Studio\UiPath\OfficeExtensions.exe" -RepairOfficeInterop
- For Studio/Robot Installation >= 2021.4 and above
"C:\Program Files\UiPath\Studio\UiPath\UiPath.MicrosoftOffice.Tools.exe"
See the document Using The Repair Tool For Microsoft Office to know how to use the tool after opening it.