How to run the first available robot in Startjob API


I have two robots inside an environment, and I’m starting a job through Startjob API.

The strategy in API is all.

I want the first available robot to run, not all of them.

How can I do that?

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I am researching the exact same thing now :sweat_smile:

Thanks for posting this @Salem_Ababneh

@Lahiru.Fernando @ppr @balkishan @loginerror can you help?

:joy: I think it has something to do with Jobs api.

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@Salem_Ababneh @Shubham_Varshney

Possible values for strategy are: All, Specific or RobotCount. Change All to either Specific or RobotCount, and then modify the RobotIds and NoOfRobots accordingly.

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This has worked for me @bradsterling @Shubham_Varshney:

“startInfo”: {
“ReleaseKey”: “[Release_Key]”,
“InputArguments”: “[Arugments]”,
“Strategy”: “RobotCount”,
“RobotIds”: ,
“NoOfRobots”: 1


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