How to return a list of postponed queue items using Get Queue item?

Hi All.

I’ve currently got 1 process running off of 2 bots that should be constantly processing cases. Both bots are accessing the same queue with a check to pick up more queue items should they run out (if queueitems = 0, pick up more)

The problem I’m having is recently the process has been redesigned to mark some queue items as postponed which stays in the queue with a ‘new’ status but means when it checks to see how many items are left in queue will return a value higher than 0.

How to best return a list of postponed queue items? From there I can use the Get Queue Item activity and take the count from both away to determine how many items are left in queue.

Thanks in advance.


you can make use defer date(queueitem.deferdate) which will give you the postpone time.

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