How To Retrieve Specific Details For ML Skills?

How to Retrieve Specific Details For ML Skills?

Issue: During troubleshooting, sometimes very specific details are requested for ML Skills. Specific details could include,

  • MLSkill ID = id
  • MLPackage ID = mlPackageId
  • projectID
  • processor
  • deploymentStatus
  • replicas
  • requestedCPU
  • requestedMemory



Steps To Capture the Specific ML Skill Details,

  1. Open UiPath Cloud AiCenter
  2. Go to the Network tab in Dev Tools(F12) in the browser
  3. Navigate to the ML Skills page
  4. Save the HAR trace. (Review the following Guide for how to capture a HAR trace - How To Generate A HAR File.)

Reviewing The HAR Trace:

  1. In the HAR trace, click the mlskills call in the Network tab of the Browser Developer Tools
  2. Open the Response tab in the Browser Developer Tools
  3. A data list should now be visible in the Response.
  4. In the list look for the specific name of the ML Skill of interest. Specific details for the skill can be found in this list.

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