How to Retrieve Specific Details For ML Skills?
Issue: During troubleshooting, sometimes very specific details are requested for ML Skills. Specific details could include,
- MLSkill ID = id
- MLPackage ID = mlPackageId
- projectID
- processor
- deploymentStatus
- replicas
- requestedCPU
- requestedMemory
Steps To Capture the Specific ML Skill Details,
- Open UiPath Cloud AiCenter
- Go to the Network tab in Dev Tools(F12) in the browser
- Navigate to the ML Skills page
- Save the HAR trace. (Review the following Guide for how to capture a HAR trace - How To Generate A HAR File.)
Reviewing The HAR Trace:
- In the HAR trace, click the mlskills call in the Network tab of the Browser Developer Tools
- Open the Response tab in the Browser Developer Tools
- A data list should now be visible in the Response.
- In the list look for the specific name of the ML Skill of interest. Specific details for the skill can be found in this list.