How to replace a value with space and not blank

this my current and will cause E.g. < NAME> (p: <No.> ) to < NAME> (p: ).
I want it to be E.g.< NAME> (p: <No.> ) to < NAME> (p: )

this the outcome i want with a blank and the bracket at the right side not move to leftside to fill the gap

Hi @superpunchypp

originalString="< NAME> (p: <No.> )"
originalString=originalString.Replace("(p: <No.> )", "(p: )")

Hope it helps!!

Hi @superpunchypp

By using string manipulation you can achieve this

NewStrVariable = StringVariable.Replace("<No.>","")

Replace(“Text you want to find in the string”, “Text you want to replace.”)

i do not want to replace the whole thing only the value of <No.> to a blank with space

If i replace it like this it will give me (p: ) instead of
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Blank: String.Empty OR ""
Space: " "
Blank + Space: String.Empty & " " which is similar to " "

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