How to rename file

In folder , I have file name “April 2016”, “April 2017 and “April 2018”
I want to rename them as " CompanyAbc April 2016”, "CompanyAbc April 2017 and “CompanyAbc April 2018”

Hi @Annkita26

You can simply use Move File activity to implement that.


You can try as below

Hope this helps you


as per the solution given one by one I have to rename it :confused: means i have April 2017 2018 2019 and so on ,

i know on expression
File.rename( ) but I am confused how to use it

Welcome to the community!
see in attached file: RenameFiles.xaml (9.6 KB)

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Use move file activity & change the rename as required

Hello Annkita,
In this video I do a lot of stuff with Files (Chapter included) :

1:10 Download the file and Move the latest file to folders
4:30 Rename files with VB commands
6:00 Move files to do Rename
11:10 Delete files that are older than 2 weeks
14:40 Create a file or folder with dates inside

Cristian Negulescu