How to remove the row with specified column value

I have a input data in the excel, Once the first loop action completed, Bot should ignore & not process next entire row values.
Likewise need process all rows

Note: I have to use , ignoring rows(3,5 and 7) values with before rows loop itself. So that once completed the loop ignoring the next row.
And finally need to end the loop.


Can someone assist me on this please.

Hi @jamuna_T

Please find attached workflow let me know if its working it will ignore the empty row as per your requirement (2.6 KB)

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Hi @jamuna_T

Are you trying to process only those rows in which all three column has values?

dtinput.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(row) row.ItemArray.All(Function(field) Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(field.ToString()))).CopyToDataTable()

you can try to use this linq in for each row in datatable activity and it will ignore rows where value is not present.

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Hi @jamuna_T ,

Could you please elaborate more on your problem, to resolve early.

Do you want your output result to be come like only the Odd rows like 2,4,6,8 and so on as per your input excel file row number.


Hello @jamuna_T

You could iterate the rows in a “For Each row in Data Table” activity.
Here you can set up the required If-sentences to check whether or not the row meets your criteria.
If the row does’nt meet your criteria, you could simply assign a distinctive value that you can filter afterwards.

Assign CurrentRow("Name") = "ToBeDeleted"

And then use a “Filter Data Table” activity to remove rows where:

"Name" = "ToBeDeleted"


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