How to remove API key

How to “Empty orchestrator api versions!”. As my Robot is asking to remove before connecting. i am using community edition of studio standard

Hi @thotakuri

find below screen shot.

Kommi Jeevan.

Make sure that you have mentioned the full address I.e., in the orchestrator url field in the Robot tray while connecting the machine[AccountName]/[ServiceName]

Where we can get this url by
—going to
—login with common authentication with gmail or and it’s password
—once after that click on services tab and in that page click on the tenant name
It will take us to a new tab and the URL in that page is what we need to mention here in the robot tray

Cheers @thotakuri

Where is tenant name i am not finding

Click in the Machine (in blue color) that’s your tenant name and link to get into orchestrator

Cheers @thotakuri

How to remove following API key
Computer Vision
Throughput limit (megapixels/min)
API Key:
Copy API key
Generate new

with this it is not getting deleted