How to release the attachment after send out Email in flowchart

Hi All,

I have created activities to send out email with attachment, after that i need remove these attachments to other folder but encountered “File is being used by another process”. Even i used delay till received my email / killed process, still can’t move file in flowchart.
Any solution on this? I can’t upload my code as new user…


Welcome to UiPath Community!.

Which activity you are using to send email?

What is the attachment type, is the mail sent successfully?

did you try Delete Activities to delete folder ?

welcome to uipath community
before deleting the file with DELETE FILES use a activity named KILL PROCESS where mention as “OUTLOOK” in the property PROCESS NAME in the property panel of kill process activity
kindly try this and let know for queries or clarification
Cheers @Zylen

Hi, Actually i try to kill “OUTLOOK” before I move the file, but still not workable.
I Just raughly describle what i try to do. There are multiple files in one folder, I used Directory.GetFiles(path) and added all file in mailMessage.Attachments by “for each” & "Invoke Method " activites, then send out email(Emial have sent succuessfly and i received email with multiple files as expected). I had “Move File” activeties following “Send outlook” to move my files to another folder and encounted “File is being used by another process”.
Very sorry, i cant attach my Scripts now.

Hi, thanks for your reply. My emial send out successfully with multiple Attachments as expected by “Send outlook …” activeties.

Hi, i try to move attachments to another folder after email send out.