In a website extracted data through data scraping.
We have a data table with column status having yes/no values.
Filtered data table with status having no value & copied filtered data to excel sheet.
After that I need to check the column status in portal if it is still in no status for 3 times with time delay of 20 seconds & finally after 60 seconds I need to copy that no value extracted data to excel.
Please anyone help?
You can extract the table again after 20 seconds and then filter on no value and use join datatable with the first extracted table to check common rows…
if no common rows exist then the status changed else the status is not changed
did like that already but need to check 3 times with 20 sec delay everytime.
how to check common rows with join?
If you want to check whole row…then you can try this
commonrows = dt1.AsEnumerable().Intersect(dt2.AsEnumerable(),System.Data.DataRowComparer.Default).CopyToDataTable
try with repeat number of times
in do block use the scraping from web and comparing with the previous data and delay activity with 20 sec time
Hope this helps
In this activity what is for each current item?
when I use table extraction & extract data for 2 pages. In the output I am getting header column names before extracted 2nd page data in the middle. How to remove header columns for 2nd page while extracting?
After extraction use a filter datatable activity to filter the header related rows
it is iteration counter
so we are trying to iterate 3 times so counter will be like 1,2,3
tried with repeat number of times activity. I have transaction data of 3 rows.
I need to monitor that data in website by extracting data with delay of 20 seconds & finally write that data to excel.
After getting transaction data in process workflow, used repeat number of times activity. In do block used delay activity with 20 seconds & done data scraping & compared data with transaction data & write to excel.
i.e for every row it repeats 3 times
Is this how this activity works? Please let me know
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