How to Reallocate / Adjust the LICENSE on Cloud for Community edition?

I am getting the above the above message. There is provision for deactivating the license in the cloud page. How can i deactive?

Also found this page,
Activation (

Can you please suggest how to generate a DEACTIVATE REQUEST? and / is it possible for the community/ cloud account?


Welcome back to UiPath forum

Pls refer this doc

Cheers @samavpch


Tried that, not getting provision to deactivate in that page

Thank you

  • This can happen if the number of purchased licenses decreased since you last assigned licenses to your users/tenants.

Purchase more licenses so that the number of available licenses on the Licenses page matches the number of service/robot licenses allocated to your tenants or decrease the number of service/robot licenses allocated to your tenants. Make sure the number of licenses in use in the service matches the number of allocated licenses, otherwise you’ll end up in a service level overallocation state.

Please refer this for more details

Cheers @samavpch

will try this and update. Thank you for the help!!

Was able to reallocate the license from Admin>Tenant page

There is an option to Edit License Allocation in the Tenant Page.

Thanks for the help @Palaniyappan

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