How to read the PDF data from more than one pages

How to read the PDF data from more than one pages.
If i want to read the same data from the PDF means customer id, invoice number for more than one pages.

Please help me on this.

Hi @vaibhav2.chavan

Have you tried out the Uipath PDF activities

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@Lahiru.Fernando - Actually my requirement is not to read whole data only have to read specific fields like - Customer id, Customer Number and after that want to write into excel file.


Looks to me like you are trying to extract data from invoice documents correct?

in that case, i think the best suitable option for you would be to go for Intelligent OCR

Check this link: It also has a sample workflow which you can take a look at.


@Lahiru.Fernando- Looks to me like you are trying to extract data from invoice documents correct? - Yes

Thanks for sharing, let me check.