Hi @balanirmalkumar.s ,
If I understood you correctly, load the excel data into a datatable. Iterate through the rows, if the first column value matches your expected value, then grab values of other columns of the same row. I’m wondering why this is difficult?
Doing everything within excel is bit difficult and may become confusing based on the amount of data manipulation you want to do.
My advise would be to read the excel sheet data into a datatable using excel ReadRange or workbook ReadRange activity.
your datatable name = dtInputData
And, Column1, Column2 are entries in the first row in your excel sheet
The following command would provide you the whole row of the datatable
Here you can replace “C#er” with the variable holding your input from pdf document
Now you can get whichever column value by using
selectedRow(“Column2”).ToString would return value “123rt”
similarly selectedRow(“Column4”).ToString would return “6”