I’m currently automating the web version of Telegram and would like some help with the following case:
When extracting the group conversation, this same pattern(that I wish to keep) is always repeating itself, many times:
AGE SOMETHIN (@ 1.7752)
Take Action 1 at 1.0325
Take Action 2 at 1.0325
Take Action 3 at 1.0325
End age at 1.0430
AGE GOOGLE(@ 1.7752)
Take Action 1 at 1.0643
Take Action 2 at 1.0963
Take Action 3 at 1.0325
End age at 1.0430
Unfortunately there is a lot of useless strings (conversations), in between these patterns. Is there an specific way to Eliminate/replace or filter the useless strings?
The main goal is to specifically only process these patterns and make the robot read the patterns, one by one (in a loop, maybe).
@Steven_McKeering - Even though there is no matches activity, it is still supporting Regex.match/matches code…I just tried the below and got the output
“Output is: " + System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(“Valent valerie de coster - werkt voor - Ik weet het | ja heb”,”(?<=-\s).*?(?=\s-)").ToString