How to read row

Hi all,

I have a problem with our system called IMDB. I do not know if you know it. This system runs on language FoxPro.

And we need automating our process with Filter reports. This process is by clicking this category if it is the category which you want to see as a report. So we have to click on the checkbox and roll down when we want to choose next.

We can move down or up with mouse scroll or rows and click on the checkbox with the mouse or with space button.

So we did make a robot that he can click on the checkbox if he can know, that the column Cat in which we want to choose. We use the full-text method which we can to read what is in the column Cat and compare the string with our excel file in which we have Cat which we want to choose.



So we did make a robot that he can click on the checkbox if he can know, that the column Cat in which we want to choose. We use the full-text method which we can to read what is in the column Cat and compare the string with our excel file in which we have Cat which we want to choose.

If the Cat in the system is not the same in our excel file so you send hot-key row down and make the decision again.

If the Cat in the system is the same in our excel file so you send hot-key space bar and you choose the Cat.

But we have a problem with our Anchor. We did make the Anchor with OCR image on the black row because we want the robot to read the line where the black arrow is.


But the robot is not able to recognize which line the black arrow is and reads the rows on the jump and/or the row above the arrow or under the arrow. So we need some better method when the robot recognize, that he is in the for example row 3 and so text in Cat is 003 and compare with excel and make a decision.

The selector for the full-text is:


We tried also Anchor base method with increasing accuracy by OCR image with the black row, but did is not working too. Now I try method Find image as Anchor on the checkbox and then use method Find children and read all row one by one as a child, but I do not know how to set up all actions. For now, I try to use for Find image this selector, but then I do not know how to set up Find children.

The selector for the Find image:


I hope that you understand me.

With regards



can you help me please?





cay you help me, please?
