How to read large text file data that contains 30lakh and I want to filter out some data based on date and finally i will get 4 lakh data and i want this in Excel file how to achive this
Welcome to Community!!
- Use the “Read Text File” activity to read the large text file containing 30 lakh data.
- After reading the data, you can use various methods like string manipulation or regular expressions to filter out the data based on the date or use Generate data table from text activity then use filter data table activity to filter the data.
3.Once you have the filtered data, you can use the “Write Range” activity to write the data to an Excel file.
You can
1-Use ‘Read text file’ to get data as String
2-Use ‘Generate data table’ to convert String to data table
3-Use ‘Filter data table’ based on date
4-Use ‘Write Range’ to write back output data filtered to excel file
Hope it help you,
Read text file won’t support that large files we need to use System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(Filepath) and store it in array of string this working fine
Split the number of rows (30000) and then use generate datatable and use filter activities this working for me
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