How to read files paths which are dynamic and added to queue

Hi All,

I have excel which has 6000 records per day i have splited this data in to 6 excel files using divisor and added these 6 files in queue,now all file path are in queue,but iam not sure every day i get 6000 records it can be less or more in that case how load the data in load single transaction.Please some one help me on this.


Hi Thima,

Why you are splitting into different excel? you can take in a single excel and add into queue using data table.

Yes i can but to process 6000 records its take average of 6 to 7 hrs. To use multi bot splitted the records in different excel so that i can reduce the process time

In that case you can use Bulk Add Queue Items activity and add all items in queue in one go using data table.