How to read column names from queue Item

Each transaction Have 3 different columns, How do I read those,




Thanks In advance.

@uipath @Anil_G @Yoichi @supermanPunch @Gokul001 @Gokul_Jayakumar


What is the transaction type is it datarow?

if yes then try this In_TransactionItem(“Column2”).ToString


The transactionItem Is QueueItem.

will give you The queue Keys

Hi @ManjunathReddy

Then use this below syntax:


Hope it helps !!


If its queue item then you already gave the syntax…and in queue you will have keys and not columns


Thank you for repley

@Vikas_M I need Syntax

@Anil_G Yes I am able read the values, but i required column name of it.


If queueItem IsNot Nothing AndAlso queueItem.SpecificContent IsNot Nothing
columnNames = queueItem.SpecificContent.Keys.ToList()
columnNames = New List(Of String) // Handle the case where SpecificContent is null or empty
End If

So this will give you a list of Column names(Its called keys btw).
Just use that list accordingly


Can’t we write in single line syntax.

Thanks for the solution



This will give all the keys…and as it is queue item you need not check for empty


No , if u want to write it in single line then u have to write multiline LINQ which makes the process complex

So better convert it into list as i have shown and then use a loop to iterate through them

I hope it helps you, If it helped you Please mark it as solution it will motivate me to solve more questions

Yes , If he is using Get transaction item activity then Once the queue is empty It gives output as “No Transaction Data”

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As per syntax anyways he is using RE so ideally no need to check is what I meant :slight_smile:


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Yea i used that to be on safer side , But yea you are right!
Thanks for that mate!

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@Vikas_M how to print Keys and values from it .


@Anil_G @Yoichi


if you have a queueitem type then queuitemvar.SpecificContent.Keys and queuitemvar.SpecificContent.Values


Hey @ManjunathReddy
To get keys and values, below is the code
To get keys : in_TransactionItem.SpecificContent.Keys
To get values: in_TransactionItem.SpecificContent.Values

Hope it helps you


Showing below error.



First that is not error

If you want to disply…

Then use String.Join(",",in_TransactionItem.specificContent.Keys.ToList)


You can try below code to get first key and value of transaction item



So this will basically give you the first key and first value of the current transaction item

Also Refer below thread it will be helpful