I am tryin both . not working anyway so trying both the side.
Email id shpuld be workingā¦even id should beā¦can you show some screnshotā¦did you try with eq filter?
and for messageid - It is changing each time for particular email address so, would that work in my case ?
And with this also is it throwing error?
Message id would workā¦but fort hat first get the mailā¦then get message if then use one more get mail with mark as readā¦
But filter will work directly
Can you share an sample file with working filter? I tried so many filter but all giving me 0 count. Message id is coming different for the email each day. EX: If I read email from same person but different days , It is variant. So, How that will work ?
It will be very very helpful if you provide sample .xaml with the filter property. I was trying to use Exchange activity with filter as it worked in the previous project but this time it is not allowing me to downloads any new package in this
project. so, Donāt know .
Just to confirmā¦are you using office 365 activity or any other activity for get mail?
Because from should be working
If its outlook messages activity then use this
"[SenderEmailAddress] = 'abc@microsoft.com'"
I am using Get outlook mail message activity and I tried this. This is giving me 0 emails.