How to print the first column from csv file in uipath

The CSV file which i have :—
DocId DocData
1 Ab
1 Cd
1 Ef
2 Gh
2 Ij

Then i am reading CSV file through Read CSV activity and creating one DataTable Variable
with name of DT1.After that through For Each Activity, i am printing first column of CSV file
like(1,1,1,2,2).To print this one i passed DT1 variable in for each row activity.When i am writing
row(“DocId”).Tostring in writeline Activity, i am able to print properly,But i don’t want to print in this way.
i want to assign CSV file data to variable,to do this one i am using Assign Activity inside
the body loop of for each row
Here Doc is variable with type of string for Assign Activity,with help of this one storing
first column data to Doc variable.Then in writeline Activity,passing Doc variable.After that
when i am running it’s printing (1,1,1,1,1) which is not the expected result like(1,1,1,2,2)
What i need to modify to print proper result like (1,1,1,2,2).Please help me.

Will this work for you?

Can you please share the xaml file to print the first column from CSV file or what i need to modify in my mentioned steps to print first column?In writeLine Activity i want to print in column wise like as default uipath print

please find the attached Sample workflow and let me know (2.2 KB)


@aksh1yadav Thanks aksh1yadav. It’s printing as i expected
.If i wanted to print like, if docid=1 then i want to keep docid as a constant and print only docdata with value of docid=1 like for docid =1 there are three docdata(Ab,Cd,Ef).Again if docid=2 encounters i want to keep docid as a constant and print only docdata with value of docid=2 like for docid =2 there are two docdata(Gh,Ij).Again if docid=3 encounters i want to keep docid as a constant and print docdata with value of docid=3 like for docid =3 there are one docdata(Kl).for same csv file i added one more docID 3.How to print this one ?

i tried with IF activity but it;s printing like for Docid=1
1 Ab

when Docid=2 encounters it’s printing

then How to print as i expected